- Would you be interested in a class on learning to make bread the old fashioned way BY HAND (no cheeky bread machines)
your thoughts on:
- More scientific based class (a.k.a Alton Brown Style)
- Just cover the techniques/basics needed, provide some practice.
- Single nite class or
- Multiples nites focusing on the parts that are important (maybe flour one nite, kneading technique, baking/crusts, forming) that type of thing
- Classroom style class or informal?
- Hosted in your home alone or with others?
- Availability of tools/accessories to order for your own use (think pampered chef but with a direct focus on bread)
- Types of bread your interested in. Just sandwich breads, rolls/buns, sourdoughs etc)
- If you considered taking this type of class what would you be looking to get out of it?
- How many of your friends would be interested you think?