I have joined a class over on Big Picture Classes called One Little Word. The gist is to pick a single word that is the focus for the year. Every month there will be exercises and other activities to help you work the word into your life.
The materials for the calls for an 8 1/2 x 11 photo album. I have looked and searched and found the whole genre wanting in the extreme. So I decided to make my own album.
Originally I took an old literature binder from work. Standard 3 ring binder. But the covers were longer so I had hoped it would cover the addition width of the pages (protectors) for the class. My goal was to uncover the cover boards and recover them with some of the Close To My Heart papers I had planned on using during the class.
No dice! They were just too small. So I measured them out made them appropriately bigger and cut them and the spine from some nice Davey Board. I went to Hobby Lobby and chose two fabrics for the covers and the spine. Turned them both into book cloth. Made some book paste. And pasted the fabrics to the outsides of the covers and spine!
Next I will mount the ring binder to the album, add inside cover papers, Cover the spine with a nice facing of the same color. Maybe do some corner cocers in the spine color we'll see what I have left!
Here is a link to my flickr gallery for the project!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
I started a knitted lace shawl. I am a big guy with, as I term them, Ham Hands. I cannot work with things that are too small or it is just to hard for me. Lace has always fallen into that category. My impression was very, fine needles, very fine yarn, tiny stitches..you get my drift. Just to small to fiddley or me to manage.
So back to Ravelry. I associate with a local group called Pints and Purls. They meet on Monday evenings at the local brew pub and work on our current projects. Some knit, some crochet. This group maintains a group/forum on Ravelry of the same name (Pinst N Purls). One of the recent discussions was about maybe doing a small simple knit along project for beginners and experts alike. Out of this conversation came the fact that a couple of folks had planned their own knit a long for october of this knitted shawl.
The name of the shawl's pattern was Haruni. it was a freee pattern available on Ravelry. So I checked it out and immediately though no way, lace, small needles, ham hands, no no no....Then I downloaded the pattern and read through it. It used a light weight yarn (lace or fingering or....you got it SOCK YARN) and size US 4 needles!!!
I make socks with size US 3! With SOCK YARN...I theoretically could do this shawl! So I saved the pattern, bought some nice paton's lace yarn (which is "bigger" than sock yarn LOL). So the point is don't build walls for yourself. This shawl is doable by me but only because others made me look into it, pay attention to the details long enough to realize I was more than capable of it.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Bread School - Hints tips suggestions!!
- Would you be interested in a class on learning to make bread the old fashioned way BY HAND (no cheeky bread machines)
your thoughts on:
- More scientific based class (a.k.a Alton Brown Style)
- Just cover the techniques/basics needed, provide some practice.
- Single nite class or
- Multiples nites focusing on the parts that are important (maybe flour one nite, kneading technique, baking/crusts, forming) that type of thing
- Classroom style class or informal?
- Hosted in your home alone or with others?
- Availability of tools/accessories to order for your own use (think pampered chef but with a direct focus on bread)
- Types of bread your interested in. Just sandwich breads, rolls/buns, sourdoughs etc)
- If you considered taking this type of class what would you be looking to get out of it?
- How many of your friends would be interested you think?
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Peach Leaf Yeast
One of my favorite yearly projects is Peach Leaf Yeast. Five or six years ago, shortly after I landscaped my entire yard, I wanted to put in a peach tree. Now the peach tree has responded in kind. Mostly though, the squirrels get the peaches :)
One of the bounties though is peach leaves. I make peach leaf yeast at least once a year. Typically I do it end of season in October. This year may do a batch or two. The real key is keeping it fed once started.
I first came across the recipe in Sourdough Breads and Coffee Cakes by Ada Lou Roberts. This book is a treasure trove of sourdough starters and recipes. It is out of print (I believe) and I got my first copy at a yard sale. I subsequently lost it and Ebay'd the second copy.
The starter is one of my favorites for two reasons. Its is semi Mad-scientist to make, and you can preserve it for the future relatively easily. It can be incorporated into sterilized corn meal and dried into cakes which will freeze for up to a year. Its a "cheat" to get a nice starter going relatively easily.
There is little or no information on the internet WHY use the peach leaf tea, as well as baked potatoes and cornmeal. Since the heat involved in the preparation of the starter will kill existing yeasts. I am assuming it is selection that is at work? Maybe peach leaf tea contains some compound that will limit specific types of wild yeast from flourishing and give a boost to others.
Anyway the recipe can be found is a bunch of places just Google peach leaf yeast. They are all similar. However for completeness:
Crumble a cake of the yeast into a small bowl (no metal please). Add 1/2 C. warm water (no more than 110°F) 1/2 tsp. ginger (fresh if ya got it other wise ground is fine)and 1 tsp. sugar. Cover with cheese cloth and allow to stand in a warm spot (no drafts) until a white film covers the top of the water (24 hours in warm weather a little longer in coldweather.
Add 1/2 Cup water, 1/2 C flour and 1 tsp. sugar cover and let stand until foamy. Feed again with 1/2 C water, 1 C. flour and 1 tsp. sugar. Allow to stand until foamy, put in glas jar and store in fridge with loose lid when layer of clear liquid is on top it is RIPE enough to use.
Ripening the starter
Ripening is an interesting topic. Basically we are waiting on the yeast to be almost pickled by the alcohol they are producing. This allows some of the other bacteria that p[rocide flavor to a sourdough to flourish. Acetobacter LOVES the alcohol, called hooch formed by the yeast and will convert it to vinegar like compounds. This is what "sours" sourdoughs.
However the real flavoring comes from long slow rises when making your bread dough. While its good to encourage amounts of these bacteria to live, grow and flourish we should not be relying on the starter to provide our sourdough flavor.
One of the bounties though is peach leaves. I make peach leaf yeast at least once a year. Typically I do it end of season in October. This year may do a batch or two. The real key is keeping it fed once started.
I first came across the recipe in Sourdough Breads and Coffee Cakes by Ada Lou Roberts. This book is a treasure trove of sourdough starters and recipes. It is out of print (I believe) and I got my first copy at a yard sale. I subsequently lost it and Ebay'd the second copy.
The starter is one of my favorites for two reasons. Its is semi Mad-scientist to make, and you can preserve it for the future relatively easily. It can be incorporated into sterilized corn meal and dried into cakes which will freeze for up to a year. Its a "cheat" to get a nice starter going relatively easily.
There is little or no information on the internet WHY use the peach leaf tea, as well as baked potatoes and cornmeal. Since the heat involved in the preparation of the starter will kill existing yeasts. I am assuming it is selection that is at work? Maybe peach leaf tea contains some compound that will limit specific types of wild yeast from flourishing and give a boost to others.
Anyway the recipe can be found is a bunch of places just Google peach leaf yeast. They are all similar. However for completeness:
- 1 Qt fresh peach leaves, not packed
- 3 medium sized baked potatos
- 1/2 C. cornmeal
- 3 C. water
- 2 tsp. salt
- 3 Tbsp. Sugar
- Bring the three cups of water to a full rolling boil. Remove from heat and add the leaves. Steep the leaves for 15 minutes. Drain the liquid out and keep. Add enough water to make three full cups.
- Use 1 cup of the liquid over medium heat. Add 1/2 C Cornmeal. Stir briskly until it thickens.
- Peel the hot baked potatos. Mash them well in a large bowl (no metal please)
- Add the thickened cornmeal, stirring well.
- Continue to mix as you incorporate the other two cups of liquid.
- Cover with cheese cloth. Allow to set at room temp until light and foamy, stirring every few hours as you think of it. Could be 24- 48 hours. If it molds or gets funky colors in it chuck it.
- Sterilize 2 Qts. of cornmeal in the oven for about 1-2 hours at low temp (175 - 200°F) the key is not to brown the cornmeal. Allow to cool in the oven.
- When cool incorporate as much of this cornmeal into your fermenting mixture as possible. Your resulting mixture should be semi-crumbly but hold together when squeezed.
- press into clean cookie trays as thick as the tray itself.
- Use a sknife to mark out 1" squares. Just make the cut lines do not remove. Allow the mixture to dry enough to hold together.
- Remove the squares to paper towels or a dehydrator to dry completely.
- Place in ziplock bags and freeze.
Crumble a cake of the yeast into a small bowl (no metal please). Add 1/2 C. warm water (no more than 110°F) 1/2 tsp. ginger (fresh if ya got it other wise ground is fine)and 1 tsp. sugar. Cover with cheese cloth and allow to stand in a warm spot (no drafts) until a white film covers the top of the water (24 hours in warm weather a little longer in coldweather.
Add 1/2 Cup water, 1/2 C flour and 1 tsp. sugar cover and let stand until foamy. Feed again with 1/2 C water, 1 C. flour and 1 tsp. sugar. Allow to stand until foamy, put in glas jar and store in fridge with loose lid when layer of clear liquid is on top it is RIPE enough to use.
Ripening the starter
Ripening is an interesting topic. Basically we are waiting on the yeast to be almost pickled by the alcohol they are producing. This allows some of the other bacteria that p[rocide flavor to a sourdough to flourish. Acetobacter LOVES the alcohol, called hooch formed by the yeast and will convert it to vinegar like compounds. This is what "sours" sourdoughs.
![]() | |
The Finished brew before the yeast take over!! |
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
WANTED: Focus Group - Home Baked Bread
Next project. I am looking for a focus group to bounce some ideas off of. However I need an interested group :)
If you have ever wanted to learn to make bread, do make bread occasionally or know someone who would like to learn. I am looking for feedback on some ideas for a project revolving around BREAD. Initially will probably be a questionnaire or two. maybe some focused online discussion of some of the data that comes back.
If you are interested please let me know, get me your email address and some basic information listed below using a 1-5 rating where 1=not at all, 5=superstar
If you have ever wanted to learn to make bread, do make bread occasionally or know someone who would like to learn. I am looking for feedback on some ideas for a project revolving around BREAD. Initially will probably be a questionnaire or two. maybe some focused online discussion of some of the data that comes back.
If you are interested please let me know, get me your email address and some basic information listed below using a 1-5 rating where 1=not at all, 5=superstar
- Rate your self as a baker:
- Bread Baker:
- cook?
- Visual learner
- Verbal/book learner
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Baby Hanten - Redux
I am almost done with the sock yarn Baby Hanten. It has been a surprisng simple knit, looks great and shows off the variations int he yarn. The pictures below are for 1 of 3 I am making (can you say triplets).

The sweater is sized for 12 months, so I am hoping they will not have to wear them until next fall and should still fit. They are due to join us in late the May-June time frame and they might be light enough sweaters for chilly summer nights as well. We will see.
I have been making the three kinda of in a round fashion. i did the front panels for the first one. I then started the back for the first sweater (pictured here) and in the meantime started the front panels for the second one, finished those and have the back going for the second one while finishing the sleeves for the first one. Once the sleeves are done i will move on to the front panels for the third sweater.
I would like to get back to the Knitte's edge for the seaming class. I need help with finishing for better looking grments. Hopefully, zi can catch one before I am done with these.

The sweater is sized for 12 months, so I am hoping they will not have to wear them until next fall and should still fit. They are due to join us in late the May-June time frame and they might be light enough sweaters for chilly summer nights as well. We will see.

I would like to get back to the Knitte's edge for the seaming class. I need help with finishing for better looking grments. Hopefully, zi can catch one before I am done with these.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Prayer Flag Project
The project!
I am proposing to hang a few strings of hand made prayer flags over my backyard. Rather than just buy prayer flags I would much prefer to have people submit their own prayer flags to me to add your energy and good will to the mix as well as spread your prayers to the winds. You will find instructions below on how to submit your “prayer flags”. I will include them in the mix of flags to hang over the yard.
What are prayer flags?
A simple piece of cotton cloth. Prayer Flags are inscribed with auspicious symbols, invocations, prayers, and mantras. Tibetan Buddhists for centuries have planted these flags outside their homes and places of spiritual practice for the wind to carry the beneficent vibrations across the countryside.
Traditionally, prayer flags are used to promote peace, compassion, strength, and wisdom. The flags do not carry prayers to gods, a common misconception; rather, the Tibetans believe the prayers and mantras will be blown by the wind to spread the good will and compassion into all pervading space. Therefore, prayer flags are thought to bring benefit to all. By hanging flags in high places the Lung ta (Wind Horse) will carry the blessings depicted on the flags to all beings. As wind passes over the surface of the flags which are sensitive to the slightest movement of the wind, the air is purified and sanctified by the Mantras.The prayers of a flag become a permanent part of the universe as the images fade from exposure to the elements. Just as life moves on and is replaced by new life, Tibetans renew their hopes for the world by continually mounting new flags alongside the old. This act symbolizes a welcoming of life's changes and an acknowledgment that all beings are part of a greater ongoing cycle.
Why would I want to participate?
Why wouldn't you? The project is a great family project, involve the kids, your friends. It is relatively inexpensive. It will make you sit and think good thoughts for an hour or so as you create your flag(s). Make you realize the things your grateful for. It is creative! When was the last time you sat down and “colored”.
Image via Wikipedia
How can I participate?
By creating and sending me you very own prayer flags. Make as many as you want, there are a few simple guidelines to follow on the next page. But, whatever, you get it to me and its doable I will fly your prayer flag!!
When I need your submissions
I would like to hang the prayer flags to celebrate the start of summer. So have your flags to me by the 18th of June and I will include them in the hanging. I do not need to know who you are, you may include your return address if you wish. I will photograph each one and if you let me will attach your name to the photo as well.I will create a Flickr online album so everyone can view our flags.
You can find these instructions as a PDF file here:
You can find these instructions as a PDF file here:
Instructions to make your prayer flags.
If possible please use 100% cottons as they last the longest and hold the inks/paints etc. the best. They also move the most in the wind. Again, go crazy, avoid t-shirt material as it will curl very quickly and not get blown about much.
Colors: (suggestion only)
The traditional colors are blue, white, yellow, red and green. So use cloth in these colors or colored inks/paints etc. That being said, go crazy.
Media Suggestions:
Colored sharpies, fabric paints, india ink, the best bet is use black sharpie designed for laundry marking. Again be creative! You send it..I'll fly it.
Shapes: (Suggestions)
whatever shape, size you desire buts lets try to not get bigger than 18 x 22. The guidelines? You need to leave 1” of material on one side clear of markings, I will use this area to fold over and attach the flag to the strings. Mark the side with an x or the word attach!
Popular sizes:
8x9 inch (8x8 square when attached) small image, kid sized canvas
4 x 9 or 12 (4 x 8 or 11 when attached) suitable for a single quote or prayer or affirmation
Pennant: triangle 8.5 x 11 (draw lines on a piece of copier paper from two corners down to a point in the middle of the opposite end)
18 x 22 suitable for a group of people to get their “prayers” on or draw or create an image.
What should I put on it?
Again, the guideline is anything positive. Your favorite quote, favorite prayer, favorite saying, the things you like people to say to you. Pictures or symbols that mean a lot to you. Hell just draw a smiley face. Remember, every flag that is hung includes you as well. As the Beatles so famously put it. “I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.” (ku ku ke choo). So the simple feeling of being happy as expressed by the smiley face will be for all people!!!
I am done, what do I do now?
Be sure its dry. Fold it gently, put it in an envelope (of whatever size you need) and send it to me at
Flag Project!
1427 N New Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Anonymity: No need to tell me who you are if you don't want. If you do want me to know then just clip a small piece of paper with your name to the flag, when I photo it I'll include your name. I will create a Flickr gallery to hold the images.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Baby Hanten
One of my LYS (The Knitters Edge) has a class on using sock yarn for other things besides socks. One of the projects the class is working on is the Baby Hanten from Sock Yarn One-Skein Wonders by Cherle Oberle. Its a cute little komono style jacket. My neighbors daughter in law is having triplets so am going to make three.....
So far, so good. Have the front panels done and am working on the back panel. Both are pictured below. One caveat: the front panels are made like the multi-directional scarf you find on the web. However here is a link to the scarf pattern with an alternate ending. I used the alternate ending on my panels and still got the 10.5 inches necessary...
So far, so good. Have the front panels done and am working on the back panel. Both are pictured below. One caveat: the front panels are made like the multi-directional scarf you find on the web. However here is a link to the scarf pattern with an alternate ending. I used the alternate ending on my panels and still got the 10.5 inches necessary...
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